Remarkable People Podcast
For more than 5 years and 200+ episodes, the Remarkable People Podcast has been motivating people around the world to break free from what has been holding them back in life, refine their God-given skills, and achieve new heights.
Listen now to hear the inspiring true stories of Remarkable People who not only overcame great adversity, but achieved meaningful success. Listen closely while we break down their real life triumphs into the practical action steps they took to be victorious, and you can too!
Enjoy, let us know how we can help you grow further, and see you at the top!
Ascending Together, Your Friend & RPP Host,
David Pasqualone
211 episodes
Matthew Lesko | Free Money: Government Grants, Hidden Benefits, & Seizing Free Opportunities
“When searching the web, remember, .com’s generally take your money, while .gov’s and .org’s typically give it to you in some form.” ~ Matthew LeskoGuest Bio: Matthew Lesko is a renowned advocate for educating Amer...
Season 11
Episode 1110

Steven Rados | Bettering Yourself Today, Maintaining a Single Focus, & the Importance of Training for Life
“If you can think your way into a bad situation, you can think your way into a good one." ~ Steven RadosGuest Bio: Steven Rados is formerly a professional boxer who has transitioned into a boxing and minds...
Season 11
Episode 1109

Mike Handcock | Doing Less, Harnessing the Hour of Power, & Building the Right Network
“The best 4-letter word in entrepreneurship is, “Next” ~ Mike HandcockGuest Bio: Meet Mike Handcock, a globally recognized Certified Speaking Professional, Presid...
Season 11
Episode 1108

Mike Fink | Making Tough Life Decisions, Finding Clarity, & The Impact of Divorce
“You can do anything, but you can’t do everything.” ~ Mike FinkGuest Bio: Mike Fink is an Author, coach, and inventor of a revolutionary clarity and...
Season 11
Episode 1107

Mark Collins | Becoming a Man of God, Creating Positive Habits, & Unleashing the Hero Inside
“It’s not the what. It’s the why.” ~ Mark CollinsGuest Bio: Mark is a Husband, Father, Pastor & Business / Life Coach with a passion to see C...
Season 11
Episode 1106

Sophia Torrini | How EFT Changed Her Physical Health, Life, & Tapping Into Your Best Self
"Tomorrow is the new now." ~ Sophia TorriniGuest Bio: Sophia, a certified Clinical EFT practitioner and trainer in Neurochange Solutions under Dr. Joe Dispenza, is dedicated to empowering individuals to overcome personal ...
Season 11
Episode 1105

Logan Hufford | Sexual Addictions: What Porn and Adultery Did to His Life, Wife, and Marriage, How He Was Freed from the Bondage, & We Can Be Too!
"It's probably not going to be quick or easy, but healing (from porn and sexual addiction) is possible. There is hope!" ~ Logan HuffordGuest Bio: Logan is a born & raised Alaskan, married to his gorgeous bride ...
Season 11
Episode 1104

Randy Adkins Jr. | Accepting Our Circumstances, Taking off Masks, & Changing the Temperature of Every Room
“We need to ask ourselves daily, “What are the things I’m grateful for today?” “ ~ Randy Adkins Jr.Guest Bio: Randy Adkins Jr. a Lowcountry native of South Carolina, USA, creatively weaves his experiences as a corp...
Season 11
Episode 1103

Duncan Bhaskaran Brown | Real Men Quit, Thriving in the Sober Sphere, & Changing Our Negative Habits to Positive Behaviors
“It wasn’t until I stopped drinking that I realized how bad life got.” ~ Duncan Bhaskaran BrownGuest Bio: Duncan Bhaskaran Brown drank. Wine, cider, brandy. Whatever people had. After 20 years of wanton excess, he cl...
Season 11
Episode 1102

Melissa Moyer Pusch | Parenting an Addict, Burying Your Child, & Finding Hope
“The way that I made a change in my life is by being the change.” ~ Melissa Moyer PuschGuest Bio: Jamie’s Mom’s House Founder, Melissa Moyer Pusch, is the leader for Jamie’s Mom’s House Pensacola Chapter. After loosing her son ...
Season 11
Episode 1101

Naeemah Elias | Managing the Emotions of the Moment, Leaning into Joy, & Overcoming Obstacles
“This is not who you are, this is just where you are right now.” ~ Naeemah EliasGuest Bio: Naeemah Elias started her career as a professional actress. She worked her way out of poverty south of Chicago and earned a psycho...
Season 10
Episode 1021

Dealing with Loss, Knowing that Everything Works Together for Good, & Enjoying the Moments We Have
"We're all here for a reason." ~ Sally PedersonGuest Bio: Sally Pederson is a #1 International Bestselling Author, award-winning luxury travel writer, and founder of Global Citizen Life. She empowers entrepreneurs and business own...
Season 10
Episode 1020

Rob Roy: A Product of Our Environment, Making Warriors, & Seizing Life Changing Moments with a Navy Seal
SHOW NOTES: Website(s): https://trident-cc.com/Email: robert.roy@trident-cc.comLinkedI...
Season 10
Episode 1019

Shana Meyerson | Believing in Yourself, the Inevitability of Failure, & the Journey from Ivy League to Yoga Instructor
“If you want to be remarkable, you have to believe in yourself. Doesn’t matter how many people in the world believe in you, as long as you believe in yourself, you can do anything.” ~ Shana MeyersonGuest Bio: Shana Meyers...
Season 10
Episode 1018

Kim Rahir | Doing the Heavy Lifting: The Right Perspective, Beating MS, 7-years Treatment Free, & Making the Most of Each Day
“What’s the best workout for MS? The best workout is the one you actually do!” ~ Kim RahirGuest Bio: Kim Rahir is a 60-year old mother of three who was diagnosed with MS 10 years ago and decided to ignore her doctor’s adv...
Season 10
Episode 1017

Lion Goodman | A Lesson in Compassion: Being Shot, Left for Dead, & Understanding How Our Beliefs Impact Our Lives
“We all have beliefs, but we are not bound by our beliefs.” ~ Lion GoodmanGuest Bio: Lion Goodman is the founder of the Clear Beliefs Institute. He has 45 years’ experience as an executive coach, counselor and healer. He ...
Season 10
Episode 1016

Leaving it All on the Mat with Richard Walsh | RPP+ Bonus Content
“No Quitting. No Regrets. Leaving it all on the mat.” ~ Richard WalshDescription: This is a special bonus episode on the difference between quitting and losing, and looking forward, not back. Learning about leaving it all...
Subscriber Episode
Season 10
Episode 10150

Richard Walsh: Acting on Epiphanies, Trust vs Belief, & the Only Time a Marine Should Surrender
“It’s not about being relevant, it’s about being revenant.” ~ Richard WalshGuest Bio: Richard Walsh is a 30-year seasoned entrepreneur. He’s the best-selling author of Escape the Owner Prison, the contractor’s new way to ...
Season 10
Episode 1015

Xenia Brandstetter | Autoimmune Diseases, Healthy Living, & Narrating the Story of Your Life
“Your diagnosis does not have to be your prognosis. Your life isn’t ending, it’s just getting started." ~ Xenia BrandstetterGuest Bio: In her previous life, Xenia used to work in Finance until she fell ill in her mid-20s ...
Season 10
Episode 1014

Dr. Leland Stillman | From Illness to Wellness: Why Our Children Are Suffering, How the Medical Industry Tricked the World, & Replenishing the Earth
“People are only as secure as their next meal." ~ Dr. Leland StillmanGuest Bio: Dr. Leland Stillman studied Biology and Environmen...
Season 10
Episode 1013

Patrick Dorinson | Ridin' Fences: Foundations for Life, Country, & The Cowboy Way
“A man’s got to have a code, a creed to live by.” ~ Patrick DorinsonGuest Bio: For the last 35 years I have been involved in all kinds of political combat all across America and I have the battle scars to prove it. He is ...
Season 10
Episode 1012

Amber Love | Life's Messy: Freedom from Sexual Immorality, Denouncing God, & Experiencing True Love
“You've got to choose your hard. You can have hard that leads to destruction and death, or you can have hard that will eventually bring you to fruit of life." ~ Amber LoveGuest Bio: Amber is a third-generation survivor of...
Season 10
Episode 1011

Lisa DeFrank-Cole | The Power of Delayed Gratification, Building on Past Successes, & Working the Plan
“You can't be, what you can't see." ~ Lisa DeFrank-ColeGuest Bio: Dr. Lisa DeFrank-Cole is an author, educator, and public speaker with more than 20 years of experience working in universities and in state government. Lisa works with in...
Season 10
Episode 1010

Mark Sowersby | A Man’s Journey of Forgiving the Nightmare, Growing Strong, & Overcoming Childhood Sexual Molestation
“The language of an abuser is lying. “ ~ Mark SowersbyOverview: Many people go through trials, or like Mark, “nightmares”. There is a process we can go through to find hope, redemption, peace, and grace in our live...
Season 10
Episode 1009

RPP+ Free Sample: Hanging Out with Maiden Frank and David Pasqualone | Turning Good Intentions Into a Global Impact | E108
“It’s time to think about our next goals.” ~ Maiden FrankGuest Bio: Maiden R. Manzanal-Frank is a global impact advisor based in Alberta, Canada, a consultant, coach, mentor, instructor on ...
Season 10
Episode 1008