Remarkable People Podcast

Lion Goodman | A Lesson in Compassion: Being Shot, Left for Dead, & Understanding How Our Beliefs Impact Our Lives

David Pasqualone / Lion Goodman Season 10 Episode 1016

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“We all have beliefs, but we are not bound by our beliefs.” ~ Lion Goodman

Guest Bio: Lion Goodman is the founder of the Clear Beliefs Institute. He has 45 years’ experience as an executive coach, counselor and healer. He is called the Subconscious Pattern Detective. He is a Professional Certified Therapeutic Coach and the creator of The Clear Beliefs Method of Trauma-Informed Therapeutic Coaching, a proprietary process for dissolving limiting beliefs, healing childhood wounds, and resolving traumas from the past. More than 600 coaches, therapists, healers, and change agents around the world have graduated from his Clear Beliefs Training. Lion is the author of five books including Clear Your Clients’ Limiting Beliefs; Creating on Purpose; Transforming Trauma; and Clear Your Beliefs. He has taught workshops and trainings across the U.S., Canada, Europe, Central America, and China. He has been featured in international publications and has been a guest on more than 100 summits, radio programs, podcasts, and television shows.


  • Website(s):
    • – for people who want to clear what’s in their way (free ebook)
    • – for more information and articles, including his near-death story



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Ascending Together,
David Pasqualone


While we are very thankful for all of our guests, please understand that we do not necessarily share or endorse the same beliefs, worldviews, or positions that they may hold. We respectfully agree to disagree in some areas, and thank God for the blessing and privilege of free will.

Lion Goodman | A Lesson in Compassion: Being Shot, Left for Dead, & Understanding How Our Beliefs Impact Our Lives | 9 September 2024

Welcome to the Remarkable People Podcast!: The interview you're about to experience has already positively changed people's lives. If applied appropriately, it can change yours too. The views expressed are those of the guest and host. The content of this podcast is not meant to be legal, financial, or medical advice. Warning. This episode may contain graphic details of the guest's life.

[00:00:18] Welcome to the Remarkable People Podcast!: Listener discretion is advised. 

[00:00:21] David Pasqualone: Hey, Lion. How are you today, brother? I am great, David. Really good to see you. Oh, it's great seeing you. And for our listeners all over the world, welcome to the Remarkable People Podcast. We can't wait to share this episode with you with our friend, Lion. And Lion, for people all over the world listening, different demographics, different countries, different backgrounds, we want to for joining us today.

[00:00:41] David Pasqualone: And for our listeners all over the world, welcome to the Remarkable People Podcast. We can't wait to If they stick through this entire episode, they're going to hear a story. They're going to hear a bunch of tips and tricks to make their lives better. But what is one thing you guarantee them that if they stay through this episode, they're going to walk away with today?

[00:00:57] Lion Goodman: They're going to understand how their beliefs are impacting their life. Yes. And that's huge. And you and I will talk about it later in the conversation. We actually had a meeting in a session to try to kind of understand what you do and it was great. So ladies and gentlemen, we're going to take a quick affiliate break.

[00:01:15] David Pasqualone: You're going to get an offer that is truly remarkable and then we're going to come back with our remarkable friend. Lion Goodman.


[00:01:22] David Pasqualone: Hey friend, this is David Pasqualone. I was just thinking about construction zones and how all of our lives and businesses sometimes are booming, and there's other times where it's like near disaster, about to go out of business, tons of construction going on and chaos. I wanted to tell you about a friend of mine named Jeff Gervais.

[00:01:43] David Pasqualone: Jeff is with Accel Your Revenue. He owns it. He's a serial entrepreneur. He's taken many service based businesses from zero to profitable. Whether it's his own or his clients. And I've been working with him as a web developer and then we become friends. And then I've also talked to other clients that he's worked with who are on the verge of bankruptcy after 50 years in business.

[00:02:09] David Pasqualone: And he teaches them for the first time, how to really understand the business model and pricing their numbers and how to, within no joke, three to six months. Turn a company around, make it profitable. Instead of having a war zone and danger zone behind them, now they have blue skies and they're planning vacations.

[00:02:29] David Pasqualone: So I'm David Pasqualone, but this is a short video testimonial from my friend Jeff Gervais of Accel Your Revenue, where if you have a service based business, visit us He has a free 30 minute console. He also has other options available on his website, excelyourrevenue. com. As a friend to you, as a friend to Jeff, I highly recommend you to meet.

[00:02:51] David Pasqualone: And if there's nothing there, there's nothing there. You spent 10 minutes on the phone, maybe, but go to excelyourrevenue. com forward slash webinar DP. So excelyourrevenue. com forward slash webinar DP. And you can set up a free consultation with Jeff, see what he has to offer. He gives you free training in that class that that alone should help you.

[00:03:16] David Pasqualone: That'd be a powerful catalyst. Enjoy. God bless him. Let me know how it goes.

[00:03:20] Welcome to the Remarkable People Podcast!: Listen.

[00:03:21] David Pasqualone: All right, Lion, we're back. Ladies and gentlemen, we're about to hear Lion's story.

[00:03:28] David Pasqualone: So Lion, we don't want to ever dwell in the past, but everything that's happened to us makes us the men and women we are. So good, bad, or ugly, where did your life start? And take us through chronologically. 

[00:03:39] Lion Goodman: Well, I was born at a very early age, how I like to start fairly normal childhood, not a lot going on.

[00:03:46] Lion Goodman: The first big thing that happened to me is that I, I thought there was something wrong with me cause I wasn't very social with other kids. I looked at them and they looked normal. They looked like they belonged in their body and that they were friends with each other. And I was always a bit of an outsider.

[00:04:02] Lion Goodman: So as an outsider, I became an observer. I was observing human behavior from a very young age. And I got interested in psychology and neurology in elementary school and junior high school. And so I began asking the questions like, who am I? What am I doing here? What are we doing here? Why do we do the things we do?

[00:04:21] Lion Goodman: Why do those people behave like that? And so that curiosity led me to a degree in consciousness studies at the University of Colorado. In 1975. Which will give you some idea of how old I am. 

[00:04:36] David Pasqualone: You look great, man. I thought we were the same age. So that's fantastic. 

[00:04:39] Lion Goodman: Thank you. Thank you. This is what it looks like when you take good care of yourself.

[00:04:43] Lion Goodman: And so I've had really a 45 year Study and practice of human nature, human psychology. What are we doing here? Who are we? And how does the mind work? That's been my primary driver for understanding. And so I've taken more than a hundred workshops and [00:05:00] trainings. And all during that time, I found that most of them didn't have much impact.

[00:05:05] Lion Goodman: Like I'd go to a workshop and then two days later, I felt the same as I did before the workshop. So, and I think most people have had that experience of, you know, going to a therapist, you feel good for 15 minutes or 20 minutes or a couple of hours, and then you feel the same crappy way you did before. So I was looking for what are the things that actually work that create Permanent change.

[00:05:29] Lion Goodman: And I had many of those experiences as well, where the next day I was a different person. And so I dove into that particular topic and found out what does it take to create permanent transformational change? And that's the business I'm in now. 

[00:05:46] David Pasqualone: Beautiful. So on your journey, were there, you were just wired since a child to kind of think differently and you were intrigued with the human mind.

[00:05:56] David Pasqualone: What are some of the things you found along the way that helped you realize like, there's a lot more to this than the average mainstream human knows? 

[00:06:06] Lion Goodman: Well, first of all, we walk around with this assumption about ourselves and about the world and about other people. For example, we think that other people are like us, but in fact, every individual is completely unique.

[00:06:21] Lion Goodman: The brain is the most complex thing we know of in the universe and every brain is different than every other brain. And so the assumptions that we have, the way we grew up, the beliefs that we took on about ourselves and other people and the world, those drive us. They're in the subconscious mind and we actually perceive through them like lenses that we look through.

[00:06:45] Lion Goodman: And so what I found is that the real Best leverage for personal change, transformational change, is those lenses we're looking through. You know, if you're looking through green sunglasses and you change them for yellow sunglasses, the world looks different. And our beliefs are those sunglasses that we look through.

[00:07:03] Lion Goodman: So when we begin to examine, like, how did I get this belief about myself, like there's something wrong with me, or I can't do it, or I'm no good. Where did those beliefs come from and why are they there? So that's been my primary focus, is because that's where the real leverage is. If we can change those, er, those beliefs that were formed early in life, then you can change everything.

[00:07:26] Lion Goodman: You can change who you are, how you show up, the kinds of relationships you have, your success in the world. That's the best leverage point for, for human change. 

[00:07:37] David Pasqualone: Yeah, and I think every human on the planet has struggles or doubts or, you know, inner conflict, so to speak. So when you were growing up, what was one of those conflicts that you're like, no, this isn't true.

[00:07:49] David Pasqualone: I'm changing my belief. 

[00:07:51] Lion Goodman: Well, I was born into a Jewish family and attended Jewish Saturday school. We called it religious school. And Then I went all the way through ninth grade and in ninth grade we studied all the Religions of the world and I suddenly realized oh my god, you know, they're all saying the same thing There isn't one that's better than the other.

[00:08:16] Lion Goodman: There's not one that has the truth, even though they claim it's the truth If what do they have in common and what they had in common were the virtues Like, oh, everybody's looking at the virtues, what it takes to be a good person, what it takes to be a bad person. And the virtues are those qualities that create happiness in ourselves and in others and in our community and in the world.

[00:08:40] Lion Goodman: So love, wisdom, care, compassion, these are common throughout all the religions. And I realized that I was more of a universalist, even though I didn't know what that meant. That we're all, that we're all the same people. We have different belief systems. And so that was another piece of the puzzle. It's like, why do we get those beliefs?

[00:09:00] Lion Goodman: Why do we, we walking around with those beliefs that my God is better than your God, or, you know, my God can beat up your God. So, so it made me realize that we're all the same we're We're both human and we're also divine. We also, we all have that divine spark in us. And so at one level we're gods because we create our own reality.

[00:09:22] Lion Goodman: And another level we're, you know, we're servants of God. We're just here to to make the world a better place. 

[00:09:29] David Pasqualone: So now you're in college, you graduate, where does your life go from there? 

[00:09:34] Lion Goodman: Well when I graduated with a degree in consciousness studies nobody was hiring people with degrees in that field.

[00:09:42] Lion Goodman: Because, I created it as far as I know. I don't know of anybody that got an earlier degree in consciousness than I did. And so I was kind of lost. I didn't know what to do. And so I became a traveling salesman and I took jewelry and gift items from some different suppliers and I went on the road and sold stuff [00:10:00] to stores for about a year and a half.

[00:10:02] Lion Goodman: And during that time, I would stop and help people whose, whose car had broken down on the road. And because I was a good Samaritan, you know, just helping people along the way. One day I was traveling between Las Vegas and LA, going through the Mojave Desert. And there was a guy whose car had broken down in the middle of the desert.

[00:10:22] Lion Goodman: It was about 110 degrees outside. So I stopped and rolled down my window and I said, you know, can I help you? And he said, Oh, I don't know. I just put 200 into her and she won't start and I don't know what to do. And I said, well, I'm heading into LA. Do you want to ride? And he looked at me kind of funny and he went, yeah, okay.

[00:10:39] Lion Goodman: And he brought his duffel bags and suitcases and stuff into my van. I was, I was driving around this RV style van. And he ended up traveling with me for three days and I grew to trust him, sent him on errands. You know, wash up the car, gas up the car. And then the third night we were camped out in the middle of nowhere, east of LA.

[00:10:59] Lion Goodman: And I was in the back of the van moving stuff around in a kind of a crouched position. He was in the front of the van. Suddenly there was an explosion and something hit me in the head and I, I thought maybe the gas stove exploded and I looked up and it was intact. Then I looked to my left and there he was with a gun pointed at me from the front seat and I realized that I'd been shot.

[00:11:23] Lion Goodman: And that was a big surprise. And so I, I was so shocked. I said, are you shooting at me? And he said, shut up, just shut up. And so I, I thought, okay, well, maybe he's warning me. He's going to, he wants to warn me that he's going to steal my stuff and he'll put me outside naked. And that's okay. Cause at least I'll be alive.

[00:11:46] Lion Goodman: And then he shot again. And I realized he's not warning me. He's going to kill me. I was 26 years old, I had studied the spiritual disciplines kind of a lost hippie salesman on the road, and here I am, going to be dead. So what do you do when you know your life is over? You know, I didn't want to die angry, I had studied death and dying, so I knew enough about it that I said, okay, I don't want to die angry, I don't want to die upset, I want to die in peace and love.

[00:12:18] Lion Goodman: And so I began to pray and I reached up to source and I said, coming home get, get ready. Here I come. And I also went back through the past to forgive all those who had hurt me and to ask forgiveness of all those who I had hurt. And I did that. It was kind of like a fast reverse movie reel throughout my life.

[00:12:40] Lion Goodman: And then I just fell into this peaceful, loving state. And he shot again, third time. The second and third bullets missed me. But I was now floating above my body, looking down at my body in Le Ban, and this little scene taking place, kind of like looking down at a dollhouse, and feeling peace, and feeling this golden honey light filling me, and I was just ready to go to whatever was next.

[00:13:08] Lion Goodman: And then he shot a fourth time, and my head was thrown violently to the side, blood was draining out of my head and and I was suddenly back in my body and I thought that's weird. I'm supposed to be out of my body. It's like I was already out of my body, ready to go the distance, you know, but now I'm back in my body and I'm bleeding and having studied my body and physiology and anatomy I, and psychology, I was kind of checking everything.

[00:13:36] Lion Goodman: So I thought the bullet had gone through my brain. I ought to be missing something. But I, I felt intact. And so eventually I went, well, okay, you know, here I am. And I picked up my head and I turned and I looked at, looked at him to my left and he looked at me and he freaked out and he jumped up and he said, why are you dead, man?

[00:13:56] Lion Goodman: You're supposed to be dead. And I just looked at him and said, well, here I am. I didn't know the answer to that question. And. At that point, he said, Why aren't you dead? I shot you four times, man. Why aren't you dead? And again, no answer to that. Just, here I am. And then he suddenly shifted and he started getting concerned and he kind of came over to me and he said, Does it hurt?

[00:14:26] Lion Goodman: And I realized that he had shifted from, you know, wanting to be a killer to caring. And so I very quietly, I knew enough about psychology that I spoke to him very slowly and carefully. And I said, well, maybe I'm not supposed to die. And he said, yeah, but I shot you, man. I shot you four times. And I said, well, here I am.

[00:14:49] Lion Goodman: And, and so he was kind of looking at me, looking at the blood that was all over. And saying, why aren't you dead? I shot you. And I just said, [00:15:00] maybe this isn't my time. So we had some more dialogue and then he suddenly said, okay, man, I'm going to take you to the hospital. I know. And I thought that was a really good idea.

[00:15:11] David Pasqualone: Yeah, I think so. He shot you in the head, in the body. Where were you shot? 

[00:15:16] Lion Goodman: Four shots to the head. Two of the bullets missed me and two hit me. And I didn't know where they had gone, because I couldn't tell, there was just too much blood. The first one just felt like a bat over the head, but the second one, I didn't know what was going on.

[00:15:31] David Pasqualone: At that point, nobody knows what's going on except God, right? 

[00:15:34] Lion Goodman: Right. So he kind of put some stuff around me and he got in the front of the van and he started driving. And so I had about somewhere between a half an hour and an hour to think about this, because I didn't know where the hell we were or where we were going and, and I was just contemplating going, okay, here I am, nice guy, being nice to people, being nice to this guy.

[00:15:57] Lion Goodman: And then suddenly being near dead and now I'm going to a hospital. It was quite confusing, frankly. And finally the van pulled over and stopped and the lights were turned off and the engine was turned off. And I realized we're not near a hospital because there were no bright lights. And he, there was silence for a minute.

[00:16:17] Lion Goodman: Then he walked back with a gun in his hand and he sat down next to me. And it was kind of a hang down position. He said, I can't take you to the hospital, man. I have to, I have to kill you. And I went, Oh, why is that? Always good to be curious. You know, the curiosity is a really good quality in situations like that.

[00:16:39] Lion Goodman: And he said, because if, if I, if, if you, if I take you to the hospital, they'll put me back in jail. I can't go back to jail, man. And I suddenly realized, Oh, not only is this a crazy person with a gun, it's a ex con crazy person with a gun. That kind of elevated everything. And At that point I said, well, you know, I, I don't maybe they won't turn, maybe they won't take you to the hospital.

[00:17:03] Lion Goodman: Anyway, that began an eight hour conversation. 

[00:17:06] David Pasqualone: Wow. So you're shot in the head, you're bleeding. The dude is, whether he's demonically possessed, crazy, just pure evil, he's struggling. There's a part of humanity that you tapped into in your friendship. And then you're bleeding for four hours. I mean, sorry, eight hours.

[00:17:24] David Pasqualone: Plus that one hour drive. So this is just an insane scenario. What, what's going on next? 

[00:17:31] Lion Goodman: Yes, well first of all the bleeding kind of stopped and when I felt my head trying to feel the bullet holes I just felt matted hair and sticky blood, you know So it stopped dripping and so I and I felt intact. I felt like I'm whole.

[00:17:46] Lion Goodman: No, there's nothing missing here part way through the conversation But eight hours, I was in this cramped position. I said, yeah, I'd really like to get out and stretch. And so he said, okay, don't try anything funny. I was like, don't worry, not going to try anything funny. And so he, I got out of the band, stretched up and by this time morning, morning had Broken and and and he pointed down to a pond down a hill.

[00:18:14] Lion Goodman: And so I started walking to the pond with him behind me. I thought, well, he could shoot me in the back and push me into the water. I just, I felt invincible at that, at that point. I was still filled with that golden light of love and compassion. And so I wasn't afraid. at any point of death or of, you know, of anything.

[00:18:35] Lion Goodman: And so I washed off the blood from my hands and my face and I stood and turned to him and he looked at me funny and he said, what would you do if I handed you this gun? And he kind of held it out to me. And I said, I'd throw it out there in the water. And he said, you wouldn't shoot me. You wouldn't try to kill me.

[00:18:55] Lion Goodman: I said, no, why would I do that? I've got my life. You've got yours. We're okay. And then he looked at me really strangely and said, Man, you are the weirdest person I've ever met. I thought to myself, I'm probably the weirdest person you will ever meet in your life. But we walked back up to the van and continued to talk, trying to figure out how are we going to get out of this situation.

[00:19:17] Lion Goodman: He didn't want to kill me, but he didn't want to go back to jail. And so we began negotiating and trying to find our way through. And I also got him to tell me about his background, about why he ended up in this situation. And so I was a curious listener, you know, really listening deeply to his story.

[00:19:36] Lion Goodman: And everybody wants to be listened to, you know, everybody has a story that they want to tell. And at some point we finally reached a negotiation in which we agreed that I would not turn him in, and he would never do anything like that again, and we shook on it, and we drove to a place that he knew, he got out of the van taking his duffel bags and suitcases and [00:20:00] boxes with him.

[00:20:01] Lion Goodman: And we shook hands again. I was covered with blood. The people who were waiting for the bus kind of looked at me like, oh, holy shit, you know, but but I took, I walked back to the van and drove myself to the hospital and the emergency room doc, you know, was cleaning me up and he said, you know, you're a lucky man.

[00:20:19] Lion Goodman: I went, well, I'm a blessed man. And he said, you know, you have to make a police report. And I said, yeah, I know. And walked out of the van and I kept my agreement. And I believe he kept his as well. 

[00:20:33] David Pasqualone: All right, ladies and gentlemen, on that, we're going to take a quick break to hear from one of our affiliates and we're going to come back with Lion Goodman, hear more about his story, hear more about the killer side right after this.

[00:20:45] Welcome to the Remarkable People Podcast!: Listen.

[00:20:46] David Pasqualone: Hello, friends. I am so thankful we're listening to this episode together with Lion. Before we go any further and hear about him surviving being shot at four times and hit in the head twice, I wanted to just take a special break and say thank you to our affiliate sponsor MyPillow. You guys might think that MyPillow is an affiliate and they give us a small portion.

[00:21:11] David Pasqualone: So we promote them, but that is not the case. We promote MyPillow because they're an amazing quality company with over 250 products. They generously give you 30 to 80 percent off. Everything you order with promo code Remarkable to help support our podcast. Then you support their organization, which supports God in America.

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[00:22:20] David Pasqualone: And now let's get back to this remarkable episode with our friend, Lyon Goodman.

[00:22:25] Welcome to the Remarkable People Podcast!: Listen.

[00:22:26] David Pasqualone: Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to this episode with our friend, Lyon Goodman. So, Lyon, it's the 70s, people are picking up hitchhikers.

[00:22:35] David Pasqualone: You pick somebody up, he wasn't even hitchhiking, he was pretending to be broken down, maybe really broken down. You spend three days with him. The dude shoots you twice, tries to shoot you four times. The psychopath calls you the weirdest person he's ever met. You guys come to a negotiation where you're like, drop me off at the hospital.

[00:22:56] David Pasqualone: Let me live, or just let me live. I won't tell anybody who you are. He lets you go. You go to the hospital, you're getting care. And from there, where does the story go? How do you not tell the police how you get shot twice in the head? 

[00:23:13] Lion Goodman: Well, I had made an agreement with him and I wanted to keep my part of the agreement because I wanted him to keep his part of the agreement.

[00:23:20] Lion Goodman: He agreed to never do anything like that again. Now, I don't know what happened to him after that. People often ask, well, did you ever see him again? No, I didn't. But I kind of followed him psychically for about five years and I believe he kept his part of the agreement. I believe he, he sort of got his life together and and became a straight citizen.

[00:23:41] Lion Goodman: So it, it felt complete and we were both transformed that day. I was transformed because I was near death and out of body and recognized I am not my body. He was transformed by attempting to kill someone who kindness and compassion is the root, rather than anger and upset. I've told this story many times.

[00:24:03] Lion Goodman: It's been published widely. There was a movie made about it. And I, my favorite thing was telling people in the, in San Quentin prison. I've lectured there many times and I've told them the story. And the prisoners are quite amazed. They're like, you didn't shoot him. You didn't, I would have killed the guy.

[00:24:21] Lion Goodman: And, but it's a lesson in compassion. It's a lesson in how do you react to violence in a way that. You know, protects yourself, but doesn't have to wreak revenge on the other person and create even more damage. So from there, I I didn't want to sell on the road anymore. I didn't want to pick up hitchhikers anymore.

[00:24:45] Lion Goodman: So I got a job as a headhunter which is kind of ironic. Ironic, 

[00:24:49] David Pasqualone: right? A headhunter? Well, hold on a second. We can't go past yet. I got to ask a couple of questions. So, the police, were they like, dude, you got to tell [00:25:00] us? Or were they just like, okay, that's fine. How, what was their attitude towards all this?

[00:25:05] Lion Goodman: Well, I never went to the police because that was my agreement. 

[00:25:08] David Pasqualone: But didn't the hospital call the police or the hospital just 

[00:25:11] Lion Goodman: be like, whatever docs just said, you know, you have to report this to the police. And I said, yes, I know. 

[00:25:17] David Pasqualone: Oh, and they didn't call. It was a different day and time. Gotcha. Gotcha.

[00:25:21] David Pasqualone: Gotcha. And then, I mean, I'm going to be honest. You're in LA during the seventies. There was a lot of serial killers and mass murders. Did you ever look the guy up and like look through some mugshots? Like, was that like a killer? That's like on a, the murder death kill channel now. And you were the lucky survivor, blessed survivor.

[00:25:37] Lion Goodman: Well, I mean, that's a possibility, but I really do believe in my heart. That he actually straightened up and he never did anything like that again. I really believe that he kept his part of the agreement. 

[00:25:48] David Pasqualone: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cut you off. There was a delay. Go finish what you were saying, sir.

[00:25:52] Lion Goodman: Just that, that we, we both went through a true transformation. He was a different person on the other side of that experience than he was on the FLIR side. And part of it was that he got to tell his story. To someone who was really interested in listening. That his father had been drunk and beat him up.

[00:26:11] Lion Goodman: That he, he failed in school. And the kids called him names. You know, the traumas that he went through led him to a life of crime. And my life The traumas I went through and the things that I experienced led to my life as a kind of a, you know, middle class hippie salesman. So, but the beliefs that we created in our lives created who we were in life.

[00:26:36] Lion Goodman: And that incident changed our beliefs. My belief is like, Oh, I'm not my body. I'm something else. I'm spirit. His belief was that I have to commit crimes in order to survive. And that, he realized that he didn't have to. So we both changed our beliefs and our orientation toward the world and other people in that incident.

[00:26:59] Lion Goodman: And that's what got me interested, really even more interested in transformation. Like, what, how can we transform people without shooting them in the head? 

[00:27:10] David Pasqualone: Yeah. No, man. That's, that's actually what I was going to ask you when I didn't mean to interrupt you. I was going to ask you about what was his story.

[00:27:16] David Pasqualone: You said you guys swapped stories and he shared with you his life. And so you said he was picked on, you know, abused by his dad and he just went to a life of crime. 

[00:27:27] Lion Goodman: Yeah, he got involved in drugs and then drug dealing and then he, he escaped with some money of the drug dealers and then they were hunting him down and he had to leave LA and he stole his dad's money and gun, you know, to get out of LA and then his car broke down and then he was desperate.

[00:27:45] Lion Goodman: I'm desperate. And he actually had decided to kill whoever stopped to help him. 

[00:27:50] David Pasqualone: Which always boggled my mind. Why would you help the kill the person who helps you that happens so often? 

[00:27:56] Lion Goodman: I don't know but that was his decision. I was surprised to hear that because i've been traveling with him for three days I thought I was psychic and I had no clue that he had this agenda, you know And I finally said well white he told me that he had pulled out his gun many times during those three days and nights To shoot me but he couldn't I said why not he said because you kept being nice to me You Nobody had ever been that nice to me before.

[00:28:24] David Pasqualone: And 

[00:28:24] Lion Goodman: then I said, okay, well then that, how did you decide finally to shoot me? He said, well, I decided the stuff was worth it. And I looked around my van, and this was a big van with, filled with stuff, jewelry, gift items. I thought, well, maybe you could get 5, 000 for this whole thing, you know, and then I realized that's what my life is worth, 5, 000 bucks.

[00:28:48] Lion Goodman: And that was kind of a shock, but it's good to know how much your life is worth. Like somebody who's willing to trade my life for five grand, you know, it's like, okay, well, at least I, I got a realistic price. 

[00:29:01] David Pasqualone: Man. So, okay. So now, You have this experience. Was there any damage from the gunshots or did it just, God protected you and went around your skull?

[00:29:10] David Pasqualone: What happened there? What was the medical condition that was there? 

[00:29:13] Lion Goodman: So, so the doctor said, you know, both bullets bounced off your skull. They grazed you. 

[00:29:19] David Pasqualone: Did he use a 22 maybe? What, what caliber do you know? 

[00:29:22] Lion Goodman: Fortunately, it was a 22 because if he had used a 45, I wouldn't be here to tell you the story. And and apparently I have a hard aura, but one of the key pieces here is that I was, I was so relaxed.

[00:29:38] Lion Goodman: And so in acceptance of dying, and so with God, you know, in that God light, that when the fourth bullet came, if I had had any tension in my neck, Like from anger or upset, it probably would have blown the top of my skull off, but I was so relaxed that it actually pushed my head over like this and [00:30:00] allowed the bullet to glance off.

[00:30:02] Lion Goodman: So that's one of the keys to survival is relax. That's why you drunk people when they get into auto accidents, don't get as much damage as people who aren't drunk. Cause they're so relaxed. They're just kind of rolling with it. So I was relaxed. I rolled with it and, and I saved myself. 

[00:30:20] David Pasqualone: Yeah, that's, that's amazing.

[00:30:22] David Pasqualone: So that's remarkable. That's why you're on the show, right? Yes. So now you survived this. Did you think God must have a plan for me? Because clearly I'm not dead. Was that a thought that crossed your mind? 

[00:30:36] Lion Goodman: Oh, yes. I, in fact, asked God, I said, okay, God, now what? And I waited for an answer, and I got an answer.

[00:30:47] Lion Goodman: And this is what it said. Now what? And I went, oh, shit. Pardon my language. Like, I gotta figure out what's next. Like, you're not gonna teach me like a burning bush telling me exactly what to do. Basically, God was saying, you're responsible for your life. And I started taking responsibility. I got a job. I, you know, I started making money.

[00:31:11] Lion Goodman: I got good at what I was doing. I met a woman who became my wife. Started a family. So I took responsibility for my life. And before that, I was really just drifting. So that's, that's what God said to me. I call it the echo effect. Sometimes you just get God's, your, your own voice back to you when you talk to God.

[00:31:33] David Pasqualone: All right. So now you're moving forward. Where does your life go from their line? Bring us through to today. 

[00:31:40] Lion Goodman: Yeah, well, I became a headhunter sort of by accident because somebody offered me a job at an employment agency. So I was in the employment business as a headhunter. I eventually worked for a more professional organization and started my own company, called the Goodman Group, and we specialized in healthcare informatics because that was the area I had been working in.

[00:32:02] Lion Goodman: And I built that up to a million dollar executive search firm with employees and all that. And then the dot bomb hit. When the, when the all the dot com companies fell apart and that ended my career in that field because that was all of our clients were dot com companies. And so then I, I didn't know what to do cause I'd been doing that for 25 years.

[00:32:25] Lion Goodman: I also had a wife and a child and responsibilities. So I was kind of flailing around going, now what? 

[00:32:32] David Pasqualone: Same 

[00:32:33] Lion Goodman: question. Now what? 

[00:32:34] David Pasqualone: And this is the mid 90s now? What year are we at now? 

[00:32:36] Lion Goodman: Yeah, we're, we're the end of the 90s, the beginning of the 2000s. Okay. 2002. And my girlfriend at the time, I'd gotten divorced and, and all that.

[00:32:46] Lion Goodman: So my girlfriend at the time said, why don't you be a coach? And I said, I don't know anything about coaching. And she said, of course you do. You've been coaching executives for 25 years. You've got all this self development work done. Well, you know, just, just apply it. And she said, by the way, I don't want to coach anymore.

[00:33:01] Lion Goodman: I'm going to give you my clients. And I went, okay, so that's how I became a coach. She handed me about a dozen clients and I started working with them and had great results. And so that was the beginning of my coaching career. And the standard coaching that we're taught to do is, where are you now? What do you want to achieve?

[00:33:23] Lion Goodman: And how are we going to get you there? And every once in a while, it's what's in your way. The problem that I saw was, is that that wasn't effective. Because what was holding people back were the programs that they were carrying forward from the past, and that if we didn't clear those out They couldn't move forward.

[00:33:43] Lion Goodman: They procrastinate, they get distracted, they'd start a project and not finish it. It's like all the, all the human behaviors we know of that prevent us from being as successful as we could be. Those kept coming up again and again. So I said, all right, we've got to solve that problem. What's their source?

[00:33:59] Lion Goodman: Where do they come from? Where do those beliefs come from? And that's what got me interested in, in beliefs even deeper. It's like, okay, there's something that happened to that kid. that made them decide, I'll never accomplish anything. And here we are as an adult and he's still got the same belief and he can't accomplish anything.

[00:34:20] Lion Goodman: So then I started applying everything I had learned to those early programs and suddenly people could move forward. So I said, all right, that's, that's what I'm doing here. That's my job is to clear the past so that people can move forward. And I began to teach the technology that I developed to others, and today I have more than 600 graduates in 45 countries around the world for the Clear Beliefs coach training, which, and the method is called the Clear Beliefs Method of Trauma Informed Therapeutic Coaching.

[00:34:53] Lion Goodman: So it's somewhere between therapy and coaching, because coach, the coaching organizations say, we don't deal with the past, we [00:35:00] leave that to the psychologist, which is the problem, because unless you clear up the past, you can't move forward. 

[00:35:07] David Pasqualone: Yeah, no, that makes total sense. I mean, it absolutely makes sense.

[00:35:10] David Pasqualone: So what some people are listening, they're like, okay, well, how do I try this? How do I get started? What's something they can try at home to start the process of healing or clearing out those, those false beliefs? 

[00:35:23] Lion Goodman: Well, the first place is to start is always awareness. And in my free eBooks, I give away a process called belief self diagnosis.

[00:35:33] Lion Goodman: And basically it's a way to take your subconscious beliefs and get them out of you on paper so you can see them in front of you, both positive and negative ones. And then you can go, Oh, this is what's running the machinery underneath my conscious mind. And then they can take the next step and do a session with me or with one of my, my trained coaches.

[00:35:55] Lion Goodman: And they can actually have the experience of transforming a belief. And when you transform a belief. In the way that we do it, which is multi dimensionally, you, life looks different the next day. You're not the same person. Your identity changes because we're working at the identity level, the level at which we, who we believe we are.

[00:36:15] Lion Goodman: So when we do that, the person has a direct experience. It's like, wow, that thing that's been bugging me my whole life isn't there anymore. I'll give you a couple of examples. a multimillionaire came to me and he said you know, look, I'm very good at making money, but I've also lost a lot of money. I make a lot.

[00:36:33] Lion Goodman: I lose a lot. I make a lot. I lose a lot. I want to figure out why and I want to stop it. Okay, great. So in, in just a few sessions, we got to a place where he remembered something that happened to him when he was about two years old and he was walking down the street with his mom, streets of New York, holding her hand.

[00:36:53] Lion Goodman: And he looks down and he sees a shiny penny and he gets excited and he reaches down for it. And his mother jerks him back and says, touch that it's dirty. And he suddenly realized that the reason he couldn't hold on to his money was because mother said it's dirty and he shouldn't touch it. He was able to make millions, but he couldn't hold on to it because he wasn't supposed to touch it or have it.

[00:37:20] Lion Goodman: So there's an example of, you know, one single belief, early childhood experience that influenced his whole life. 

[00:37:27] David Pasqualone: So now he's aware of the problem. What would be the next step to clear it? 

[00:37:32] Lion Goodman: Well, we, we did my process, the clear beliefs method and cleared that experience. What we did is we went back in time, and he, as an adult, picked up that little child, and said, it's okay, it's not the money, it's your mommy's fear.

[00:37:49] Lion Goodman: And so, money's fine, good to have money, here's some extra pennies you can have and mommy's just a little confused and she made you scared. And now the inner child that had that experience has a different experience. It's called memory reconsolidation in psychology. The memory system can be deconsolidated, taken apart, and reconsolidated in a different way.

[00:38:15] Lion Goodman: And so that's the principle we use, and that's why our, our system is so effective. 

[00:38:22] David Pasqualone: Nice. So people are listening. We'll put links in the show notes, but what's the best way for somebody to reach you or get that free ebook or continue the conversation, Ryan? 

[00:38:36] Lion Goodman: My website is liongoodman. com, L I O N, good man.

[00:38:40] Lion Goodman: And so that's the easiest way to find out all the things I'm doing, including my coaching, my training my free eBooks, my videos and podcasts are there. So that's the easiest way for people to get to know me. 

[00:38:53] David Pasqualone: Okay. Awesome. So now. So now you're figuring out, I'm a coach, you're helping people, you find this way to clear the limiting beliefs, and where does your life go from there?

[00:39:03] David Pasqualone: Bring us through to today. 

[00:39:05] Lion Goodman: Well, first of all, when I began sharing this technology with others, I got high, because It was working for them. Not only did it work for me, but it also worked for them. They were coming back and saying, Oh my God, I'm changing people's lives. And it's, I was filled with purpose.

[00:39:21] Lion Goodman: Like, Oh, that's my purpose is to teach people this technology that I spent 45 years figuring out. And so I've now been teaching for 20 years and my life is filled with meaning and purpose and I love it. And and it's expanded around the world. So I feel really good. I feel like I'm doing my Dharma, the Dharma in, in the Asian cultures means, you know, your sole purpose.

[00:39:47] Lion Goodman: So that's fantastic. And I get to help others. And then that help. Ripples out to other people's lives and and I get to enjoy the, being the source of that. 

[00:39:59] David Pasqualone: Excellent. [00:40:00] Excellent. And then people can go to your website to reach you. What does the average program look like? Not in the sense of all the little details, but average.

[00:40:10] David Pasqualone: Some people get a lot of baggage to take care of. Some people have a few things, you know, like that guy had one penny. I'm sure he had other stuff, but you know what I mean? Some things are faster, but what's the average coaching period? 

[00:40:22] Lion Goodman: Well, first we have to recognize that we have tens of thousands of beliefs in us because for example, language is a belief structure.

[00:40:30] Lion Goodman: Our experience was formed into beliefs, conclusions, assumptions, and, but most of them are neutral. Like you can look at a cat and say that is a cat and you don't. Have any emotional charge on that unless you're allergic to cats, right? It's the, it's the beliefs that impact us, that cause us to feel a certain way.

[00:40:50] Lion Goodman: There's something wrong with me. I'm a sinner. I, I'm, I'll never be perfect. I have to perform in order to get love or attention. I'm, I have to pretend to be someone else cause I'm no good. Those are the beliefs that are at the core of our personality. that are driving our negative behavior. Because from each of those conclusions came an adaptive strategy around it.

[00:41:16] Lion Goodman: Okay, well, I'm, my dad's been beating me. It must be me. I must be a piece of crap. So I have to hide that I'm a piece of crap and pretend to be big and strong and powerful and I'll become a bully. In order to protect that shame that I have inside. So there's a sequence that creates an adaptive strategy of behavior.

[00:41:38] Lion Goodman: Now that man is 45 or 50 years old and he's finding that he can't. Speed up people anymore and that he has to face the shame, the original shame that was there at the beginning in order to clear that whole stack of behaviors. So that's part of it. So the answer to your question is it depends on how much a person has if they've got a lot of trauma.

[00:42:02] Lion Goodman: That takes more time to clear, but we can clear it one piece at a time. If they have a lot of negative beliefs, we can, you know, it might take eight weeks, it might take six months. Most people work with me for about six months. And then they're done. One guy worked with me for 10 years, and he went from being a product manager to VP of a multi billion dollar company.

[00:42:24] Lion Goodman: And so he, he did fine, you know, just continuing to clear what was in the way, clear what was in the way, clear what was in the way. So it depends on how far you want to go. And my training is for coaches, therapists, healers, people who want to be coaches, social workers, doctors, and that's a six month training where you get certified as a therapeutic coach.

[00:42:47] David Pasqualone: And then do you work your coaches through the program first to make sure they don't have a bunch of clearing to do? 

[00:42:53] Lion Goodman: Simultaneously. So part of the training is, is that you become the client. with one of the other students as the coach and you work your own stuff. So most people say, Oh my God, I had no idea I would get this much transformation out of the course.

[00:43:07] Lion Goodman: So yeah, it's a simultaneous process. 

[00:43:10] David Pasqualone: Beautiful. So anything else between your birth and today in your life that we missed, I'm sure there's a lot, but I'm saying, is there anything you want to talk about or is there any other exercises or any other thoughts you want to leave with our audience? 

[00:43:25] Lion Goodman: Yes in fact, I'd love to just take the audience through an experience so they can get a direct experience of what I'm talking about.

[00:43:32] David Pasqualone: Yeah, that would be great. Let's do it. Will you participate? Sure. 

[00:43:36] Lion Goodman: Great. Okay. So this is a way to find out that our beliefs create our experience. A lot of people say that, like, what does it really mean? So David, I'd like you to close your eyes, not like everyone is listening, to close their eyes for a minute.

[00:43:49] Lion Goodman: Okay. Great. And feel what it feels like to hold the belief, there's something wrong with me. And just say it to yourself as if it's 100 percent true. There's probably another part of your brain that says, no, no, no, that's not true. But just say, sit down. I'm doing an experiment. There's something wrong with me.

[00:44:07] Lion Goodman: And how does that make you feel in your body? What's your, what's your body saying when you believe that? 

[00:44:14] David Pasqualone: My head feels heavy in the front and sad. I feel like all the energy is just like going out. Like I just want to go to bed and quit. 

[00:44:22] Lion Goodman: Okay. Beautiful. So if you were in a clothing store and you tried on an outfit of clothing that felt that way, just immediately take it off and toss it aside.

[00:44:31] Lion Goodman: Right? So just take this belief off and toss it aside. Just like clothing that you're wearing. Take a breath. Okay. Okay, now I'll give you a different belief to try on. So try on the belief, I am a sacred and worthy being, and feel what it feels like to believe that.

[00:44:56] Lion Goodman: Now how does that feel? 

[00:44:59] David Pasqualone: Feels good. [00:45:00] Feels like my posture's a little straighter. When I breathe, it's like cooler in my head. My head feels lighter. 

[00:45:10] Lion Goodman: Good. Now you're welcome to take that belief off and toss it aside, or you can keep it because you get to be in charge of your beliefs. So if you like the belief, keep it on.

[00:45:18] Lion Goodman: And you've got thousands of beliefs. You can open your eyes and rejoin me. So we're in charge of our beliefs if we take charge of our beliefs. If we don't, then it's the beliefs that we got in our subconscious mind are running us. So the process is all about bringing up the beliefs that are in there, recognizing them, and then clearing them one by one until you've, you're free and clear.

[00:45:44] Lion Goodman: And you're now operating as a creator in your life instead of as a victim. 

[00:45:48] David Pasqualone: So what happens when someone believes it so deeply, they're like, how can I get rid of that? It's true. I'm blank. 

[00:45:55] Lion Goodman: Well, that's what the process is for because most of us believe those beliefs completely. And what we do to is help the people recognize, look, this is a belief you took on.

[00:46:06] Lion Goodman: It's not true. It was never true. You're a divine spark of light. And you took on these clothes, these beliefs along the way because of circumstances are understandable. You know, it's all understandable when you understand psychology. And, but it's just a belief. It's not who you are. You have beliefs, but you are not your beliefs.

[00:46:30] Lion Goodman: So that's a fundamental piece of what we do is to help the self recognize, Oh yeah, this is just something I took on. And if I took it on, I can take it off. 

[00:46:42] David Pasqualone: That's a great visual. That's a great like way to look at it. Okay, so if someone wants to continue the conversation, is the best way to reach out to you via your website?

[00:46:54] Lion Goodman: Yep, liongoodman. com, there's a link there to set up a 15 minute free consultation with me. I love talking to people. I love people with questions or if they want to explore working with me. 

[00:47:06] David Pasqualone: Yeah, so if I'm hearing you correctly, it's like everybody is who they are for a reason, and then it's like saying if there's a wife that commits an altery 80 times and she steals and she's a terrible wife, you're not saying she's necessarily is that, but that's how she behaved because she was wearing that false belief, and she can take that off.

[00:47:25] David Pasqualone: Confess it to God, get it right, and move on. 

[00:47:28] Lion Goodman: That's possible. And people, there's, there are people who are stuck in their beliefs, and they believe that that's who they are. They've identified with their beliefs, of this is who I am, this is what I need, and this is how I'm going to get it. Now, it doesn't make it right, doesn't make any of it right, it doesn't excuse bad behavior, but if the person wants to change, they can change.

[00:47:49] Lion Goodman: And that's the key. 

[00:47:52] David Pasqualone: Yeah. And I want to go back to your childhood for a second, because I'd say the average person, even if they didn't have violence in their background, if someone was holding a gun to their head, they'd fight to get away. They'd struggle, they'd fight. Was your background in your childhood real loving and gentle?

[00:48:08] David Pasqualone: Was it violent? Like, what? 

[00:48:11] Lion Goodman: Yeah, yeah, there was no violence in my family there was more silence, which is, can be as violent to a kid as violence. Yeah, the silent 

[00:48:20] David Pasqualone: treatment can be more brutal than taking a beating, 100%. 

[00:48:22] Lion Goodman: Exactly, exactly. So there were a couple of factors. One is I, in my youth, I became a pacifist and a hippie.

[00:48:30] Lion Goodman: You know, I identified with the hippie ethic, you know, be nice to people and love everybody and aren't really cool and groovy. So that was kind of at my core. But also in this particular incident, I was a sitting duck. I couldn't move. I was, I was squat, squashed down in a position. I had no options.

[00:48:51] Lion Goodman: There was nothing I could defend myself with. I couldn't jump up. He was 11 feet away. His hand was, was on the back of a, of a car seat, and I knew I was a dead duck. Not just a sitting duck, but a dead duck. So I, there weren't, there wasn't an option to suddenly get up and rush him because I would be dead by now.

[00:49:10] David Pasqualone: Yeah, no, I mean, honestly, after going through the scenario, if you revolted. This is like one of the rare situations where you probably would end up dead instead of just doing what you did. I just, it's hard for my mind to wrap around because I did not grow up in a pacifistic home or environment. Yeah, man.

[00:49:30] David Pasqualone: So anything else you want to share with our audience line before we wrap up this episode for today? 

[00:49:35] Lion Goodman: I just want to reinforce this thing I said a minute ago, which is that you have beliefs and And you are not your beliefs. They're just appendages that you put on. They're conclusions you came to. They're like the clothes in your closet that you put on from time to time or wear all the time.

[00:49:56] Lion Goodman: You can, you took them on at some level. Sometimes they were [00:50:00] given to you. They were indoctrinated or put on you. And some you took on yourself, but they were all accepted in some way. And so therefore you can take them off. You can change your beliefs and change your life. 

[00:50:15] David Pasqualone: Actually brings up another question, you know, there's a lie that's in society that says you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

[00:50:22] David Pasqualone: And I don't believe that. I believe anybody can change. I think it does get harder to change as you get older. But what are your thoughts on that? 

[00:50:30] Lion Goodman: Well, first of all, if you look at the word belief, There's the L I E is in the middle of it. So every belief is a lie in the sense that it's just a temporary conclusion that we've, we used for a good purpose.

[00:50:47] Lion Goodman: Humans are flexible. Our brains are complex and there's this thing called neuroplasticity. We can change our brain. It's an, it's a constantly moving, changing thing. Every time you learn something new, you've got a different brain. So it just depends on your motivation. You can't, I can't change your beliefs, but I can guide you to change your own because if I guided, if, if I made you change your beliefs, I'm just indoctrinating you the same way people did your whole life.

[00:51:14] Lion Goodman: So we don't do indoctrination in my field. We, we ask people, what would you prefer to believe? What would you like to believe? What belief would get you the experience in life that you want? And so when a person decides to change their beliefs themselves, then it sticks because it's their decision. It's not somebody putting it, putting a belief onto them or into them.

[00:51:37] David Pasqualone: Yeah. Sometimes though, when you ask people, what do you want? They don't even know. So how, how do you lead them into there? 

[00:51:46] Lion Goodman: Well, first of all, there's a story behind, I don't know. Usually that's because they were not allowed to have needs or wants or desires or to get them fulfilled in childhood. So they stopped wanting things or they stopped feeling things.

[00:52:03] Lion Goodman: So there's always a story behind Those kinds of responses, like really what, what happened to you that you don't even know what you want? There's a, there's a story and a belief there. So we just investigate whatever comes up. 

[00:52:20] David Pasqualone: Interesting. Man, there's so much to this and so many questions because just that statement, how many people say they're talking like, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, you know, it's, it's like, yeah, you do know, you do know.

[00:52:31] Lion Goodman: Yeah. So I'd like to ask, well, if, if who should we ask if you don't know? 

[00:52:36] David Pasqualone: So for someone who struggles with that, What do you recommend to them to start off? Like that you close your eyes and do the shirt illustration. Is there a way to get through that? I don't know, to dig down to the core, not just a symptom.

[00:52:50] Lion Goodman: Well, we have many different techniques. I, I teach 20 different techniques for this process as part of our training. And one thing we do is we feel that body sensation. It's like, okay, if you had this, what, how would your body feel? If you had this, how would your body feel? Which one do you like better?

[00:53:09] Lion Goodman: Oh, I like this one a lot better. Well, that's the one you want. So it's really just helping people get in touch with themselves and increasing their own self awareness so that they can know. They can find out. For example women have feelings like all the time. They're just in tune with their feelings.

[00:53:27] Lion Goodman: They ask a man like how do you feel? And the answer is, I don't know, because we don't know where to look. We've never been trained where to look. So I teach people, both men and women, how to look into their body. Cause their bodies, our bodies are a huge information superhighway. And it's giving us information all the time, unless we block it off.

[00:53:49] Lion Goodman: And so us as boys, big boys don't cry. Okay. I'll cut off my feelings. No pain, no gain. Okay. I won't feel pain. You know, all of these admonitions that we get in childhood cut us off from our own knowing our own inner knowing. And we just have to reconnect those things by taking the blocks out of the way.

[00:54:10] David Pasqualone: Huh. So interesting. So interesting. Well, ladies and gentlemen, today we've spent some great time with Lion. Lion, thank you for being here today. 

[00:54:19] Lion Goodman: Thank you, David. 

[00:54:21] David Pasqualone: Yeah. If any closing thoughts again, before we wrap this up for today. Change your beliefs and you can change your life. All right. That's a great way to put it.

[00:54:31] David Pasqualone: Ladies and gentlemen, like our slogan says, don't just listen to great content from our guests like Lion, but do it, repeat the good each day. She can have a great life in this world, but more importantly, to turn you to come. So I'm David Pasqualone. This is our good friend, remarkable friend, Lion Goodman.

[00:54:49] David Pasqualone: And we look forward to seeing you in the next episode. And don't forget to reach out to Lion. Check out his website, download his free ebook, and if we can help you in any way, just let us know. Lion, [00:55:00] thank you again, my friend. 

[00:55:01] Lion Goodman: Thank you. 

[00:55:02] David Pasqualone: All right, ciao. Ladies and gentlemen, we'll see you in the next episode, and don't forget to forward this to someone that can help.

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