Remarkable People Podcast

Leaving it All on the Mat with Richard Walsh | RPP+ Bonus Content

Subscriber Episode David Pasqualone / Richard Walsh Season 10 Episode 10150

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“No Quitting. No Regrets. Leaving it all on the mat.” ~ Richard Walsh

Description: This is a special bonus episode on the difference between quitting and losing, and looking forward, not back. Learning about leaving it all on the mat, and why.

Leaving it All on the Mat with Richard Walsh | RPP+ Bonus Content Episode 1015b




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Ascending Together,
David Pasqualone


While we are very thankful for all of our guests, please understand that we do not necessarily share or endorse the same beliefs, worldviews, or positions that they may hold. We respectfully agree to disagree in some areas, and thank God for the blessing and privilege of free will.

Leaving it All on the Mat with Richard Walsh | RPP+ Bonus Content | 26 August 2024

David Pasqualone: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the short bonus section with Richard Walsh and myself, where we're going to discuss quitting versus perseverance, winning, losing, and what it looks like in reality. We hear a lot of people talk about winning and losing and quitting and our mentality in our society today, globally, so weak.

[00:00:29] David Pasqualone: So just give up, just quit. There's an excuse. Oh, you had a good reason why. You know, I saw a clip of LeBron James on the ground. He hurt his wrist and he stopped playing basketball. And they show an MMA fighter with his eyeball almost hanging out of his head. And he's like, come on, let's do more. So it's just, you know, it's just the mentality.

[00:00:45] David Pasqualone: It's the weakness. You can be a great, You can be a great athlete. You can be a great speaker. You can be a great anything, but quitting is quitting. And when you were speaking, Richard, you have no idea what I'm going to say, right? 

[00:00:57] Richard Walsh: Right. 

[00:00:58] David Pasqualone: Yeah. I'm waiting. When you were speaking, you talked in the end of your interview about never quitting and doing your best.

[00:01:08] David Pasqualone: And in that moment, I started thinking about how when we quit, we're filled with a life of regret. And Satan uses that trick that in the moment, in the pain, in the struggle, we quit, it's going to be easier. But then for 70 years of our life, we're always looking back at that moment with shame and regret and pain that I quit.

[00:01:30] David Pasqualone: But, you and I have both experienced, and hopefully our audience has too, where we've given our best, and I'm going to be explicit, we've got our ass kicked. We've been broken, we've been beaten, we've lost, we've been humiliated. But when we lose giving everything, Our outlook's totally different. You don't have 70 years of regret.

[00:01:56] David Pasqualone: You have, what can I do better? What could I have done different? You, you might be like, Oh, it kills me that I had that loss, but it's different. You're looking forward. How can I change myself to be better? So that doesn't happen again, ever or next time. So my first question is to you is, do you agree or disagree with that outcome?

[00:02:19] Richard Walsh: Absolutely agree. I think. You have to give everything. We'll call it leave it on the mat. Leave it on the rower if you're rowing. Whatever you're doing, whatever you're, whatever the effort is towards that, it's, there's always more in you. Okay? You're, there's always someone better than you too. Newsflash.

[00:02:39] Richard Walsh: Okay, you might be the fastest today or the strongest or the, or the toughest and tomorrow could be a whole different story, right? There's the next person going to take that place. Really important. I actually had to do this with my son. Give you this quick story. It's a really good runner, cross country and stuff.

[00:02:55] Richard Walsh: So he's doing the mile, but it's a cross country mile against the other top guy. He hasn't beat him yet. They're battling the finish line. I'm talking elbowing each other. I mean, they are going, they are finishing hard. The other kid beats him by half a step. Right. My son takes the tumble, you know, all the way in the, in the, in the shoot and everything as he gets up, walking back to the van for days, he's just in his room, not talking angry.

[00:03:20] Richard Walsh: So my wife and I sit with him. I said, his name is DeAngelo. I go, what, what is your deal, man? Well, you don't understand. I'm the best runner on the team. Everyone depends on me to be this and this, and I'm the, I'm the great this and this, and they all want me. And I'm like, Hey, let me tell you something right now.

[00:03:35] Richard Walsh: Okay, I can give you a stack of books from here to the ceiling on great athletes, great people. It was over in a snap, a snap of a knee, a snap of a neck, something done never to do it again. I said, you cannot have your identity in what you do, which goes back to what I had did with my work. Right? I said, your identity is in Christ.

[00:03:56] Richard Walsh: Do you understand that? Like, you have to understand that. Running is a gift. You're gifted. You're a gifted artist. You can do this stuff. That can end any moment. Okay? That, that identity in Christ is eternal. David, he, he took that and woke him up. I came, I think it was maybe two, three years later, four years later.

[00:04:16] Richard Walsh: I heard him sharing that with a friend who's struggling with wrestling and running and what to do. And he's great at it. And I'm like, dang, that's amazing. Like I just to hear my son share that he's in the Marine Corps now and stuff, which is awesome. But it's like, that was, that's what the quit thing's about.

[00:04:35] Richard Walsh: Know who you are. That's what's really important. And Christ isn't quitting on you. He'll never leave you or forsake you. Are we Christ followers? Okay. We're Christ followers. Well, you know, we got to understand who we are. In Christ, but the work we do here, like Paul says, you run the race as to win.

[00:04:57] Richard Walsh: Quitting's not, it's not a thing. [00:05:00] Like you said, David, that regret from quitting, like just sit in it right now. Even if you're not doing anything, sit in quitting something, you're halfway through you're 3 quarters away. Well, I was at a cross country race in this, this girl's running. She's fighting it. 30 yards from the finish line.

[00:05:18] Richard Walsh: She like breaks down. She's underneath crying and you know, so I'm going to be rough, but I'm like, I said, I don't even know who she was. I started screaming at her, get up, get up. The finish line is right there. Do not quit here. You do not quit. You crawl. I don't care if you got to crawl, throw up on yourself.

[00:05:34] Richard Walsh: I don't care. Keep running. If you're vomiting, just keep going. And she got to the finish line, like crawling and throwing. I'm like, I left. Okay. She never stopped. But I'm like, I can't watch someone quit like that. When you can see the finish line, 

[00:05:51] David Pasqualone: you 

can't quit, man. You just, you're not going to die. She didn't die.

She's okay. And that's what 

[00:05:59] David Pasqualone: Satan wants. Cause he doesn't want to just ruin that moment for us, ladies and gentlemen. He wants us to To be ruined for as long as possible and that girl if Richard didn't yell at her and tell her to get up She would be thinking back. Why didn't I get up? She'd be thinking why and I just finished I was so damn close Why didn't I just give more and I know you said this a couple times now, but I remember my wrestling coach He was not what I'd consider a wise man.

[00:06:27] David Pasqualone: He was not even probably a a quote unquote good man, but I remember he said something that impacted me positively in a powerful way and someone told him it. So he was really just a vessel of, you know, he was just carrying the message, right? But he said, whenever you think you can't do any more, he's like, it's proven medically, scientifically, you can do 10 times that before you die.

[00:06:52] David Pasqualone: He's like, I just want five. That's it. He's like, when you think you can quit, I want five times that. He's like, then you can quit. He's like, or then you can stop. He's like, but you're not going to quit. You're going to give me five times that. You're not going to die. And I always was like, yeah, that's right.

[00:07:07] David Pasqualone: That's true. And it really worked. And you said it and everybody who's done it acknowledges it. So that's awesome that you were able to not only teach your son that, but now he's teaching others and representing Christ, even the Marine Corps. 

Yeah. It's the thing about what you're saying, like Satan wants you to quit.

It's a seed. He plants that seed of quitting. He is going to use that for every day you live from that point on. He's going to use that against you. You know, that is a seed you do not want to have planted in your mind because it'll haunt you. It will haunt you. 

[00:07:45] David Pasqualone: Yeah, 100%. And that's what he wants. And that's what people don't understand.

[00:07:50] David Pasqualone: But even if you have quit in the past, that doesn't mean today you have to quit. Doesn't mean next time you have to quit. Just like you can have that seed planted of doubt and failure. You can also have it of soundness of mind and success and victory. And again, Richard, we've both been realistically punched in the face.

[00:08:09] David Pasqualone: We've both had surgeries from these realistic punches in the face. I found out years later I had a broken jaw and even know I thought it just hurt because I got punched in the face. But the thing is, You don't quit. Die trying rather than quit. It is seriously better to die with honor and integrity than it is to live in shame and guilt.

[00:08:31] David Pasqualone: So that's how I feel. I think that's how you feel, Richard. But to inspire people to not quit. Any final words to our audience in this special little segment?

Yeah, just, I just, if, if you're breathing, you're in the fight, I've said it before, man, if you can take a breath, you're, you're in the fight. You have to tell yourself this, and if you have quit in the past, like you said, David, use that as fuel to never do it again. Relive that feeling and go, I'm not doing that again, because if you do it again, it'll happen again.

And next, you know, you have a life of quitting. I'm not even going to call it failure because failure is just a learning lesson. Failure is okay. I want people to also be able to embrace that. We don't want to fail, but when we do, that's just an opportunity to learn and propel yourself forward. I did it more than I care to remember.

And I did it big because I don't do little things. So if I'm going to fail, I'm going to feel really big. Kind of had to start over, but understand that it's just a tool. It's an opportunity. Failure, problems, Mistakes, they're all opportunity for you to grow and be better.

[00:09:45] David Pasqualone: Well, thank you for being with us today, Richard. Thank you for sharing this special segment. And again, like always, any final words of wisdom on this topic or anything else before we wrap it up for the day? 

No, man, just, just embrace the Lord. Bring Him with you in [00:10:00] every struggle you have. Bring Him into it.

He wants to be there again. He's a gentleman. Just invite Him and He'll be there. And you'll see how things will change for you. 

[00:10:11] David Pasqualone: Ladies and gentlemen, go have a great day. Share this with your family and friends. And like our slogan says, Don't just listen to great advice Richard's given you. Do it. Repeat it.

[00:10:21] David Pasqualone: So you can have a great life in this world, but most importantly, a journey to come. I'm David Pasqualone. Thank you again, Richard. And also bonus, ladies and gentlemen, don't forget to shop our sponsors. Use promo code Remarkable. Just my pillow alone. You get the best quality products out there, pillows, mattress toppers, sheets, towels, and you get 30 to 80 percent off the retail rate.

[00:10:42] David Pasqualone: So you save a ton of money, you get quality products, you support a great American company who supports God. So it's a quadruple win in every way. If you don't love them, you send them back for a full refund. And I love every single thing, my pillow I have. So that's it. I'm David Pasqualone. Richard, thank you again, brother. 

Love it. Thanks for having me be here. 

[00:11:03] David Pasqualone: All right. Have a great day, ladies and gentlemen.

[00:11:04] David Pasqualone: We'll see you in the next episode. 

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