Remarkable People Podcast

My Experience with Blood Pressure Medication and Depression: A Direct Correlation | Feeling Joy Again!

May 25, 2024 David Pasqualone Season 10 Episode 1005
My Experience with Blood Pressure Medication and Depression: A Direct Correlation | Feeling Joy Again!
Remarkable People Podcast
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Remarkable People Podcast
My Experience with Blood Pressure Medication and Depression: A Direct Correlation | Feeling Joy Again!
May 25, 2024 Season 10 Episode 1005
David Pasqualone

Welcome to this really special episode of the Remarkable People Podcast. In almost five years, 250 plus episodes, I've never recorded an episode like this for you. So what we're going to do is I'm going to tell you something that's extremely important and personal to me that could truly help you.

If you or someone you love struggles with depression, And especially if you struggle with depression and are on high blood pressure medicine, you have to listen to this entire episode. It's that important for you, not to benefit me. Enjoy and let me know if you have any questions by reaching out on our website at

This short video is my personal experience with Blood Pressure Medication and Depression. What I found that helped me be free of the deep depression after YEARS of struggle. What multiple doctors, big pharma, and the government didn't tell me.

DISCLAIMER: This is my story and journey. You are a responsible adult; this video is not made for children. Think about, pray about, and seek wise counsel and medical advice about your situation before changing anything in your life. While I obviously saw direct and fast success, and think you will too, as you'll see in the video, you need to be your own health advocate and make your own decisions. You know your body, life, and all the facts of your situation. Be honest with yourself, and don't make any rash decisions. And positive or negative, any results from copying my experience is between you and God. By watching this video you understand and agree that you are an adult, and responsible for your own actions. Sorry I have to type all this explanation, but we live in a sick world where people hide behind "laws" and manipulate and extort people trying to help. This video's sole intent is to help you be aware of the harmful side effects high blood pressure medicine had on me, and may be having on you, or those you love. Sincerely and truly hope it helps you too!

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Have a Remarkable day and see you at the top! πŸ’ͺ

Ascending Together,
David Pasqualone


While we are very thankful for all of our guests, please understand that we do not necessarily share or endorse the same beliefs, worldviews, or positions that they may hold. We respectfully agree to disagree in some areas, and thank God for the blessing and privilege of free will.

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Show Notes Transcript

Welcome to this really special episode of the Remarkable People Podcast. In almost five years, 250 plus episodes, I've never recorded an episode like this for you. So what we're going to do is I'm going to tell you something that's extremely important and personal to me that could truly help you.

If you or someone you love struggles with depression, And especially if you struggle with depression and are on high blood pressure medicine, you have to listen to this entire episode. It's that important for you, not to benefit me. Enjoy and let me know if you have any questions by reaching out on our website at

This short video is my personal experience with Blood Pressure Medication and Depression. What I found that helped me be free of the deep depression after YEARS of struggle. What multiple doctors, big pharma, and the government didn't tell me.

DISCLAIMER: This is my story and journey. You are a responsible adult; this video is not made for children. Think about, pray about, and seek wise counsel and medical advice about your situation before changing anything in your life. While I obviously saw direct and fast success, and think you will too, as you'll see in the video, you need to be your own health advocate and make your own decisions. You know your body, life, and all the facts of your situation. Be honest with yourself, and don't make any rash decisions. And positive or negative, any results from copying my experience is between you and God. By watching this video you understand and agree that you are an adult, and responsible for your own actions. Sorry I have to type all this explanation, but we live in a sick world where people hide behind "laws" and manipulate and extort people trying to help. This video's sole intent is to help you be aware of the harmful side effects high blood pressure medicine had on me, and may be having on you, or those you love. Sincerely and truly hope it helps you too!

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Let's Hang Out! Support the Remarkable People Podcast by signing up for RPP+!

RPP+ (aka Hanging Out with David Pasqualone & Friends) is a podcast that continues the conversation with guests from the Remarkable People Podcast, gives you access to new guest interviews not available anywhere else, and offers you discounts and specials to help you grow and achieve your purpose.

Subscribe now to access this exclusive content and help the us reach more people. And rest assured knowing that 100% of every dollar you donate goes to supporting our vision: To deliver powerful content to people that brings hope, peace, and personal growth in a way in which enriches their life and glorifies God. – 2 Timothy 2:1-3

Copy & paste this link in your browser now to subscribe:

Have a Remarkable day and see you at the top! πŸ’ͺ

Ascending Together,
David Pasqualone


While we are very thankful for all of our guests, please understand that we do not necessarily share or endorse the same beliefs, worldviews, or positions that they may hold. We respectfully agree to disagree in some areas, and thank God for the blessing and privilege of free will.

My Experience with Blood Pressure Medication and Depression: A Direct Correlation | Feeling Joy Again… for Free!

David Pasqualone: Hello friend!  Welcome to this really special episode of the Remarkable People Podcast. In almost five years, 250 plus episodes, I've never recorded an episode like this for you. So what we're going to do is I'm going to tell you something that's extremely important and personal to me that could truly help you.

If you or someone you love struggles with depression, And especially if you struggle with depression and are on high blood pressure medicine, you got to listen to this episode.

​(watch and/or listen to episode for a short disclaimer here)

David Pasqualone: We're going to take the next couple weeks and take [00:01:00] a break from the traditional podcast that you've come to know and love. And we're going to rebuild the podcast from the bottom up so when we come back to you with episodes, they're going to be even better than before.

We're going to make them clearer, more concise, more powerful and cut to the chase of what you need to grow, And so we can all have better lives full of joy and love and glorify God. But like I said, today, I'm going to tell you a little bit about something I just realized in my life that can legitimately change your life for the better, like it did mine.

So to give you a little bit of a backstory, my whole life, I struggled with probably a low level depression. Nobody knew it. I didn't even realize it classified as depression. I just had this sadness there and some of it was environmental, some of it was learned behavior, [00:02:00] some of it I do believe was just a lack of activity in my life and more physiological, but nothing major.

Just pretty much a general level of sadness. In 2014, we had major trauma within our family. It was crazy. It was like the Jerry Springer show met the Good Son movie met the Twilight Zone. And My blood pressure went through the roof from stress. So at the same time that I was going through this trauma and my blood pressures through the roof, cause it wasn't like a week or two weeks.

It lasted years. Unfortunately, the doctor said, Hey, you're Italian, American, you're Italian American, but your genetics goes back to Italy, Mediterranean. You got to work out, you got to eat right, you got to get on blood pressure medicine. All right, so I'm listening to the doctors and I went through a bunch of blood [00:03:00] pressure medications trying to find one that didn't have crazy side effects.

and helped me with lowering my blood pressure. Well, around that same time, I got super depressed, like legit depressed, and hopefully you don't know what I'm talking about, but the chances are, if you're listening, you're experiencing it, you have experienced it, or you know someone who's 

experiencing depression. It's real. , there's levels of depression like everything else from sadness. Like I said, a low level of sadness to a deep sadness. Nobody still knows. And then you get to the point where it's like, you know, really distracting you. You're forgetting things. You don't care. Maybe you're just laying in bed.

I mean, there's all sorts of extremes. When I was going through this time, I was heartbroken. I was just broken in pretty much every way. And I'm just [00:04:00] thinking that's why I'm depressed. This is why I'm sad. Well, I'm going to fast forward. In 2015, I start working out and get off the blood pressure meds.

And I'm thinking, okay, the exercise got my blood pressure down. It built up my confidence. It also is just moving endorphins and blood flow and all the good things God created through my body. So now, once I got the blood pressure medicine, the depression goes away. And I'm still thinking it's just because I'm working out.

Well, in 2018, things escalate again. I start taking blood pressure medicine because I stopped working out. And then I start getting depressed again. And I got really depressed between 2018 [00:05:00] and 2021. Nobody on the outside really knew it, except my few close friends and some family members. As this is going, I'm like, man, I just hate taking medicine and I really don't think it's working anyways.

You know, the doctor's like, take the medicine, take the medicine. We see commercials and you can go back and do the studies. But a lot of studies in the U. S. will show you that at least one out of five people in the U. S. are on blood pressure medication. That's insane. And then you start looking at the people on antidepressants.

The numbers are off the chart. So just recently, I'm like, Dave, You're, you know, 47 years old. You haven't worked out since 2018. Your blood pressure's [00:06:00] going back up. You need to either exercise or get on blood pressure medicine. And I was feeling no depression. I went ahead, uh, it was about four months ago now, and I started taking the blood pressure medicine that my doctor prescribed.

As soon as I started taking it, I got depressed. And I didn't even realize the correlation. But I mean, I was getting really depressed. So, one day I woke up about a month in, and I really believe God was just telling me like, Dave, get off the blood pressure meds. So I got off the meds, And within a couple of days, the depression's going away.

So now I'm like, wait a second here. I test it. I wait till I feel good and I take these stupid medicine again. Not even two days. The [00:07:00] first day, like the next day, I was already feeling sad. But I kept going for a couple days. Now listen, you know, we have a sue happy culture. We have a culture that the, the laws literally protect the criminals.

Look at these politicians, look at these kids who blatantly defy humanity because they stand behind the law and like, the law is protecting me. We have a broken system when the law protects criminals. But, I'm putting this disclaimer in. I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV. This is my experience. You need to listen, you need to pray, you need to consult your own physicians and make your own informed decisions after you do your research and go to God in prayer.

So I'm not telling you what to do, but what I'm telling you is, after I took this again for a couple days, I got extremely depressed. Cut it out. No depression. [00:08:00] So what I want you to know is something that I didn't know. You could buy an acne medicine. You could buy a heart medicine for, for keeping yourself supposedly from having a heart attack.

You can get something for eczema and you can get something for Tourette's syndrome and they all have a thousand things on there. You know, it can cause anything from a rash to you can freaking have like death, to you can have blindness, to you can have a tumor grow, right? So when you take a medicine, who reads the disclaimers anymore?

Again, they're only there to protect Big Pharma, because Big Pharma and the government are in bed together. And they have been. The whole hospital system, the whole industry, is driven by liars and greed. And Medicare drives the prices of health care. That's when you go to the hospital and get a freaking aspirin and it costs 40.

All right. It's the government. We need to get rid of government. The federal government's only role is national defense. These big pharma companies [00:09:00] make trillions of dollars and they don't care about anything but profits. And these side effects are crazy bad and you don't hear about them. So you're like, Dave, forget the politics.

I just want to talk about depression. Listen, if you struggle with depression and you take high blood pressure medicine, the bottom line is you need to freaking , consider getting off them in a healthy, safe way, and give it a couple weeks, maybe a month to work out of your system. Well, how do you do that?

Exercise. Seriously. Drink a lot of water. A lot of people will tell you there's hints all over the internet that are known, proven for years. But again, your doctors don't tell you, and Big Pharma don't tell you, because that gets you out of the health care system, and I'm doing air quotes if you're listening, but drink water.

Put magnesium in it, the, the healthy kind you can buy from Tom. Some people have problems with constipation. Calm was made for that, but a lot of people take it as a [00:10:00] magnesium supplement, right? But drink water, take magnesium, exercise. Listen, even if it's just a walk, move. If you have high blood pressure, you've got the stress built up.

Go! Get rid of it. Walk. Run. Vox. Do whatever it takes. But, go exercise. Again, for me, I've had blood pressure off the charts. Dangerous. Ridiculous. Like, some people would say you need to go to the ER for that. You know what I did? I went out for a run and I was not in good shape at that point.

When I came back from the run, I forced myself through it in pain. I pushed myself. We don't like to do that as Americans. We don't like to force ourselves. We don't want to be uncomfortable. We don't want to do things, right? And I'm guilty of this too, ladies and gentlemen. But I'm telling you, I went on that run and many runs just like that.

And when I came back, I sat down, showered, took my blood pressure. Then 45 minutes later, [00:11:00] 115 over 65. Our bodies were made to work. Drinking water, again, the magnesium, the exercise, all these things in the balance that God intended, you're going to get better and you don't need drugs. You don't need side effects.

But, what the catalyst was for this video, Was I had no idea that I spent years struggling with deep depression and it wasn't even my circumstances because I'm usually a positive guy. What kept me in bed not caring about much Was these stupid little pills that were supposed to help with my blood pressure.

And instead it was ruining my life. So I thank God that I learned. I thank God that I'm here to tell you today. And I thank God that now you can change your life for the better. You can share this information with other people for the better. And again, I got nothing to gain from making this video. [00:12:00] I have nothing to gain, but I also have nothing to lose, because I'm only here to help you.

My goal in life is to glorify God and to help people grow, and hopefully this does it. So, bottom line of the whole video is if you're on high blood pressure medicine, if you're struggling with depression, Man, really research your life. Try to get off the drugs. Give it two to four weeks, especially if you've been on a long time, to get it out of your system.

Drink a lot of water. Flush it out. And again, caveat, whatever you want to call it, disclaimer. Do it under a doctor's supervision that's not just pro drugs. And see if you can connect the dots and make the bridge where you can live a life drug free. Because right now, When you think about the numbers, being conservative, the 20 percent of Americans, right?

20%? That's 70 million people are on blood pressure medicine. Think about what you pay for it. Now, [00:13:00] some of you have insurance. Some of you are self employed like me and you pay cash. Blood pressure medicine go from a few bucks a month to hundreds. 

So when you have these new designer drugs or a thousand bucks a month, they're just soaking us. These big pharma companies. So do what's best for you. Do what's right for you. And if you have a connection with depression and high blood pressure, I thought my depression caused the high blood pressure. Had it backwards.

The high blood pressure medicine caused the depression. The stress and lack of exercise caused the high blood pressure. So guess what? Exercise, drink water. And do my best to enjoy life. That's it. And the high blood pressure goes away. So that's it. I'm David Pasqualone. I truly hope this helped. I repeated myself a lot because it's important.

Hopefully this broke through you. Like it took me a while. It took me years to figure this out. Hopefully this is a [00:14:00] catalyst for good to get you out of depression and back into enjoying life in a healthier way. If you have any questions, feel free to email me. Again, I'm not a doctor. I'm not giving you medical advice in the sense of I'm telling you to do it, but I'm telling you what happened for me and what I recommend based on my life and experiences, but you're a grown up.

If you're a child, you shouldn't be listening to this. If you're a grown up, you're responsible for your own actions in the world of reality. So, don't listen to the courts. Don't be a scumbag and hide behind laws, because laws that are good are made to protect people. But look at our Congress. Look at our President.

They hide behind the laws to cause chaos. Exile those people. Cut those people off and live a righteous life doing the right thing. And me warning you about how this trash blood pressure medicine can harm you? I don't know how I can love you more. So that's it. I'm David Pasqualone. Reach out [00:15:00] to me at my website davidpasqualone. com. If you have any questions, please leave comments. This will be on Rumble because YouTube censors everything that's real and true. If it goes against their narrative, they call it misinformation. So this would clearly, even though it's truth, even though it's my story, a hundred percent, they're going to classify it as misinformation because they just want revenue and they have an agenda.

We won't get into that in this video, but again, you get the point. Have a great day. We'll see you in the next episode. And I'm excited for the new format you're going to experience in just a few weeks. And actually, if you're a new listener and you're not listening to this live, it might be your next click.

Enjoy and ciao.

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